Are you forgetting something?

Last night’s dream connected me to a message I felt led of the Holy Ghost to deliver… For the next few moments, we will be delving into the topic of FORGETTING things, people, places, MEMORIES, etc.: Is it possible Adam and Eve forgot Who God was? Better yet, whom theirselves were?

Better yet, why did Jesus pray all the time, why did He grow-up in a human body? Is it possible HE had to learn Who He was as a little child, that Mary had to teach Him the fundamental values of His mission? Because He was the Word (John 1:1) in the beginning!

The person I am with now? I had a dream of anxiously awaiting for her return in one of the Ider Elementary classrooms, only to find she was still at Dade County, GA. I was devastated.

Going back a decade, things were not what they used to be.


Our story began (and ended) at the end of 6th grade. Angel & I began a connection there we never thought would reignite two years ago. “Well, I like you too, but sadly I am moving to Georgia…” WAS THE ONLY PART I REMEMBERED. No joke! Sure she has fun every now and then changing the story, playing with my MEMORY, but haven’t you ever wondered what it’s like in our glorified state? I mean, once you leave your Eden, it’s HARD to go back (it was easy for me). And once God meets you there, it’s HARD to get back to normal, you just wanna stay!! And stay, and stay…. You don’t want to leave!

Where was your hometown?

Back to the dream, I was driving in the old Dodge Caravan when I looked over, and I seen someone so GORGEOUS, so RADIANT with her green eyes and long beautiful hair, thinking: I never wanna lose this… Because why?

WHEN I LOSE, I FORGET (Just like Nicholas Sparks’ the Notebook)!

Then I remember (as we are joint heirs with Christ) me playing at the old Kids’ Cottage outside to:


Not just the good, but the bad, and the ugly… Are you holding a grudge against someone you need to forgive and be reconciled to, are you growing good fruit (Galatians 5:22&23)??

In the words of Matt Murdock/Daredevil (2003):

“I’ve been thinking about this day… Since I was TWELVE YEARS OLD!!!!”


Were we angels before we forgot the Throne Room in the Presence of the Almighty??

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