SECULAR MUSIC & FILMS: Should we Christians completely turn a deaf ear? [Part 1]

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then music is the door (emotional expression of) to the soul... Simply stated: Visual & auditory. Input, & output. In other words, it’s how the emotions are relative to each other, whether positive or negative. Moreover, how the natural communicates to the same natural. Even how the natural communicates to the spiritual, and vice-versa. Music? Is inevitable. (Caylan James Little)


Cannot recall the exact date for nothing, unfortunately, but it was over 2 years ago whenever I was in Rainsville returning home from work at the restaurant.

I was… You know, driving along, minding my own business, wondering here & there mentally about this, that, and the other… When, all of a sudden…?

The radio was fading in and out from the Albertville POWER station…

“Which song was it?”

Now… You might be thinking: “What’s your point? It’s a popular song, yeah…

The point is… The original song was:

At that moment, as the two was switching and fading back & forth…

A mental voice spoke boldly and said:

BREAK THE STATIC!!!! And your journey will begin…”

Something had immediately sparked in me. Something I never knew would consume me ever so strongly…

So, not only was I “praying” from then on… I was also listening.


Then, one night months later at Straight Creek Church of God, a great Evangelist (can’t recall the name) was preaching a revival service about how concerned we should be as God’s children to expand the Kingdom and be about the Father’s business. He gave a rather excellent interprative illustration using a “secular” popular blockbuster background and a secular song by Eminem (featuring Rihanna):

Now, after listening (“tuning-in”) to the [divine] spirit realm, I soon learned??

…He was right. This is clearly an image of the modern Church (specifically America).

First off, the references to the whole “Superman getting drunk” can easily be put in to the better illustrative analogy:

Most of the Christians are “getting drunk”… This could refer to actual Pentecostals… Or? A more broadly generalized perspective: Wine itself. It biblically symbolizes joy. Yet, wine also numbs the senses… Could it be it’s a “counterfeit joy” (also note the demonic DOES mimic the divine quite often!!)???

Moreover (concerning the mentally abstract ideology of ancient customs),

  1. Is it old wine or new wine?, and
  2. Is it fermented wine?

Next, to clarify: the lyrics such as “I love the way you lie”, and the like references are simply sarcastic; clearly nobody in the right mind would actually “enjoy” to be treated terribly… No?

Consider the metaphoric statement recorded in red letters of Luke chapter 19, verse 40:

I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

“I guess I don’t know my own strength…” = LEGALISM. “PHARISEE theology“. This drives people away… I don’t care if you’re the religious king of the Vatican City.

In all seriousness, humanity itself (7 billion+) is searching… For a fullness. That something (or Someone) to fill that void (note the “measure of faith” the Apostle Paul referred to in Romans 12:3; to expound on that further, see Matthew 5:6), not hypocrisy and heresy.

Just recently, I was reading an INCREDIBLE book by Tommy Tenney entitled “the God Chasers“. Amazingly, it elaborated even a lot more on how even some people in the Church had even lost faith…

And, shockingly enough?

That very same sermon AND book preached about how it all boiled down to one Truth (John 8:32) of this constant “searching” going on in return from 2 songs by the incredible band Casting Crowns:


My hypothesis?

The exact same reason the world is not where it should be… Is because the Church is not really where it needs to be, either…

To elaborate?

Take a look around you. The “secular liberals” basically want Christianity extinct, more or less… Vice-versa, of course (Mark 3:24). Yet… The incredibly SAD thing is??

There’s even arguments & division in the Body of Christ itself (Mark 3:25)!!! Seriously! We got like 1 “religion”, divided into 2 basic categories: Catholic & Protestant. Then, considering the Protestant? Like 34+ different denominations!!

Honestly, I find it quite ironic this “morbidly secular” nation has quite a lot more unity than the Church… 4-5 people can literally go to Buffalo Wild Wings, sit down, eat together… Laugh, watch a ball game, & carry on…

…When everyone in the Church keep bickering about their doctrines, “correct” views of Eschatology, and the like…



Later on in life, I too, began to fatigue (Galatians 6:9)… I was nearly at wit’s end. I didn’t have a “soul mate” (and still don’t… Single practically all my 20+ years of living.), didn’t have my own house, a job, let alone even a car to drive, and was going through a severe emotional state: I was simply having a crisis. Nothing was going right, people were abandoning me left & right from my social circle, etc.


I decided to just throw it all away… Put it all behind me, and live to do what I wanted to do… Live it up. WITHOUT Him!

Then, I felt a skin-chilling, heart-melting presence enter with me, as I heard yet another “secular” song come to me (this time it was country) in my mind, by Blake Shelton:

Immediately, everything literally flooded my mind AND heart, as I recall great sermons from Jentezen Franklin, Reggie Dabbs, and Louie Giglio, preaching on how His Love was (and is) greater than we ever imagined… And how whenever we are bombarded with “struggles” & the like… We still don’t necessarily know the full plan of the “blueprints” He has for every single one of our lives (Isaiah 55:8 & 9; Jeremiah 29:11-14; 18:6).

Then audibly, another song soon followed, connecting all the previous information into perspective:

And yet, note how in the music video of the Blake Shelton song… There was a LIGHTHOUSE??!

🙃 You seriously cannot retort that was “merely a coincidence…”

😍 It’s a God thing!!!!

And the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said unto Balaam, ‘What have I done unto you, that you have smitten me these three times?’

And Balaam said unto the donkey, ‘Because you have mocked me: I wished there was a sword in my hand, for now would I kill you.’

And the donkey said unto Balaam, ‘Am I not your donkey, upon which you have ridden ever since I was yours unto this day? was I ever wanting to do so unto you?’ And he said, ‘…No.’

Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and Balaam bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face.” (NUMBERS 22:28–31)

Think about it: God used a DONKEY to speak a message!!!!


[Further suggested reading: Galatians 5] {If you’re already flowing with the guidance of the Spirit, you won’t be so easily influenced by all the truly bad “secular” media… lol. It’s called discernment, and such replaces legalism entirely, to be frank… 😉}

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